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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

From the Postman

On Monday morning the postman brought me
This great HOE Just Nan exchange from April

As well as this beautiful Blackbird design , from Encarnacion, for the Blackbird Exchange.
What a great start to the week.


staci said...

Both of your exchanges are lovely!!!

Kathy A. said...

Lovely gifts. Love that mailbox. It has character.

Brigitte said...

This is one of the best parts of exchanges - when the postman comes and delivers them. You've received two very nice pieces. Enjoy them.
I had much fun seeing this red mailbox picture. Thanks for sharing.

Nicola said...

Lovely exchanges Clare. Love the postbox picture!

Nancy said...

I love that mailbox, wow. I love everything in England anyway. It is just the best place.
All of the gifts you received are so nice.

Heidi said...

Wonderful gifts Clare both given and received. Is that postbox near you for real? Or near the post office where you work? Hope you are well my friend.

Hugs ~

Cindy F. said...

Great mail day!! Beautiful exchanges!!

....and I love your red mailbox:)